Top 6 Tips To Introduce Your Dog To Your New Baby

We have a pet puppy, Beyla. She is a golden retriever. She was one and a half years old when she met my son for the first time. Here are 6 tips for introducing your dog to your baby for the first time and beyond.

1. Exercise

If you have an energetic dog, or you think he or she will get excited, exercise beforehand. This will help with their energy levels when its time to meet.

2. Neutral Area

Meet in a neutral area if possible. If this is not realistic to do this at another person house, then go for an area of the house that the dog does not regularly go to. Avoid being close to dog toys and especially places like their kennel.

3. Be calm and confident.

Dogs are pretty good at sensing emotions. Show them it’s ok and there is nothing to worry about.

4. Child Safety

Never leave your baby with your pet, especially in the early stages. Even the most gentle of dogs can accidentally cause harm to your baby. Beyla is a super gentle dog and even she has nearly accidentally rolled on my son.

5. Try to give normal

Just because you have a new baby does not mean you can not give mans best friend what she used to get before. If you used to throw the ball daily, do your best to keep that up.

6. Be inclusive

Include your dog in any tasks you do with your baby. When going to change your babies diaper, invite your furry friend along!

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