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Top Pumping Hacks to Maximize Comfort

Hello Mommy!

If you are here because you are a new pumping mama then this is the blog post for you!  Or even if you have been pumping for awhile but are still trying to make it more efficient or comfortable I’m glad you are here.  I remember navigating the scary world of pumping when I first started.  It was a lot to get used to.  So many parts to put together, keep track of, and wash.  And when I went back to work I was so anxious.  How would I find time to fit it in my schedule?  Where would I pump?  How many times would I have to hook myself up to this machine?!?  Let me just assure you that you will figure all of this out, take a deep breath, and trust yourself.  You got this!  As I write this now I’ve even forgotten to bring my pumping supplies to work.  Luckily I have a back-up plan.


There is so much that I have learned along my pumping journey, and I want to share that with you.  Yes, pumping is annoying, but remember that you are giving your baby such a great gift.  It allows you to still connect with your baby in a special and close way when you are together and give him an extra boost for his immune system.  I say this not because you can’t have a special connection with bottle feeding, but because breastfeeding demands so much of us as mommies that sometimes we need a little ray of sunshine to hang on to, especially when it is uncomfortable!  Hopefully I can save some mommies out there some discomfort and confusion along the way.

Please note that there are affiliate links below. There is no extra cost to you if you click on them. I’ve included them so that you can see exactly which products I am talking about with no guesswork.

Top Pumping Hacks:

  • Coconut oil in a dropper bottle

This has been a serious life saver for me.  When I was in the hospital after giving birth to my son I was told to just hand express some milk into the funnel of the pumping flange to help lubricate.  I guess this might work for some, but I am a pretty sensitive lady.  It wasn’t until I attended a new mama’s class that I heard the suggestion to use coconut oil instead.  That made a world of difference.  At first I was using so much oil though. I rubbed it everywhere, on the flange and on myself.  It didn’t take long to realize I needed a better and more efficient way to prep myself for pumping.  No thank you, oil stains on my clothes.

That’s where this technique came to mind, to use a small amber bottle with an eye dropper.  I just fill it up with liquid coconut oil.  It is so much easier to control how much I need.  More precision and less waste!  Not to mention the bottles come in handy for so many things (like using your own breastmilk to clear up pink eye in less than 48 hours).

  •  Spectra adapter

I am the lucky owner of two breast pumps.  My first pump was the Medela Pump in Style that I received courtesy of my health insurance through the hospital where I gave birth.  I remember calling ahead about it, trying to figure out what my options were for pumps.  They assured me that this was a great pump and I would have no issues.

I was so uncomfortable when using this pump (but I’ve included the link above because it is one of the top two affordable pumps recommended by most pumping moms, and it is not a bad pump).  Getting used to it was painful and it just didn’t feel natural.  I tried the Pumpin’ Pals flanges, which helped a little. However, I still wasn’t a fan of the pump’s lack of customization with regards to the suction and speed.  I did a little digging and saw that online many women were preferring the Spectra.  I was in such discomfort I knew that I had to try it.  The reviews were good and it came recommended by a friend.  So I purchased a second pump, and I’m so glad I did.  It was so much more gentle and natural.  Also, the rechargeable battery in the S1 model is a nice feature to have.  Additionally, I was able to leave it at work and have my Medela at home as a back-up.

Fast forward a few months later and I was just not fitting well into the Spectra flanges.  No matter what I did my nipple kept hitting the back wall of the flange, getting sucked all the way in.  OUCH!  On top of that my milk supply was plummeting.

Now, I’m kind of a do-it-yourselfer.  Having previously been to a lactation consultant that basically told me I was doing everything right and she couldn’t help me, I knew that wasn’t the route I wanted to go down unless absolutely necessary.  I know there are some absolutely wonderful lactation consultants out there, but I was so desperate I just took measures into my own hands.  More digging on the internet and I found this adapter.

The Maymom flange adapter allows you to use Medela flanges on a Spectra pump.  Thank goodness for this tiny piece of plastic!  Now I had an even better and more comfortable arrangement than I had before.  I was able to use my Pumpin’ Pals flanges with my Spectra, no more pain!

  • Make your wardrobe work for you

I found that having a go-to outfit for pumping at work was really nice.  Since I had to pump three times a day I wanted to make sure that I was spending less time fiddling with my clothes and more time pumping milk for my baby.  Two essential basics that I could wear under any outfit include: the kindered bravely nursing bra ( I prefer the scoop back, although it also comes in racer back. Not to mention the french terry is so soft!) and the blanqi pull down nursing top. I also like their high waisted postpartum leggings. Pairing this with a shirt or cardigan was perfect for work, home, and on the go.

  • Handy storage container

Having a place to keep my pumping parts at work helped me be more efficient.  I learned the hard way that it is a good idea to pack away pumping supplies in between sessions.  Even though I was using a room barely ever used by anyone else, you don’t want your manager walking in and finding your whole setup.

Having a little bucket or bag that I could put everything in made it easier to take all the supplies to the sink to clean them.  It also doubled as an area where the parts could dry.  A bonus is that all the pieces could be kept discreetly tucked away on the shelf.

  • Have a back-up plan

Having extras on hand is so helpful for a busy mom.  I am so glad that I had a whole extra set of pumping parts that I could use in case of an emergency.  I kept them all in a ziplock bag in my filing cabinet.  Make sure that you get yourself some extras, it is way better to have them on hand then be panicking because you forgot one of the parts.  Having extra shirts, nursing pads, a washcloth or towel, cleaning wipes, and any other supplies I needed on hand was so great.  Before you go back to work after your maternity leave make sure that you take the time to pack this bag and have it ready to go!


Interested in learning more about the hurdles that some mothers overcome when breastfeeding? Read my post on some challenges that my son and I navigated early in our breastfeeding journey.

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